Feldbergstrasse 7

D - 79539 Lörrach

Tel. 07621 1619961


Directions by public transport (train)

Coming from Switzerland, France or Germany leave the train at the train station “Basel, Badischer Bahnhof”  (German train station, no need to cross the border). From there take the train S 6 in direction “Lörrach / Zell im Wiesental” (there is a train every half an hour) and get off the train in Lörrach (Hauptbahnhof). Leaving the train station, cross the street and turn to the right in front of the post office. In front of you, there is a high green building (city hall of Lörrach, “Rathaus”), which you pass and turn to the left  immediately into the street “Luisenstrasse”. After 50 meters, on the right hand side, you will find the street “Feldbergstrasse”, our hotel is located after 50 meters on the left hand side.


Arrival by public transport (aircraft via EuroAirport)

Leave the airport and take the airport bus number 50 to the train station “Basel, Bahnhof SBB”. From there take the train S 6 in direction “Lörrach / Zell im Wiesental” (there is a train every half an hour) and get off the train in Lörrach (Hauptbahnhof). Leaving the train station, cross the street and turn to the right in front of the post office. In front of you, there is a high green building (city hall of Lörrach, “Rathaus”), which you pass and turn to the left  immediately into the street “Luisenstrasse”. After 50 meters, on the right hand side, you will find the street “Feldbergstrasse”, our hotel is located after 50 meters on the left hand side. Alternatively there are taxis at the airport at your disposal (until Lörrach it will cost about 40.- to 45.- Euro).


Directions by car

Coming from the north: You are coming on the highway A5 from “Karlsruhe / Freiburg”. Exit the A5 highway at “Weil am Rhein” and change onto the A98 in direction “Lörrach / Rheinfelden”. You leave the A98 at the exit “Lörrach Mitte” and turn right towards the city center. Before the second traffic light, take the left lane and turn left towards the city center. After about 400 meters you reach a big roundabout, where you also turn left and continue strait for about 500 meters before you turn right into the street “Haagenerstrasse”. You are now in a speed-30-zone, turn to the left the next street and then turn to the right immediately. The first house on the right hand side is our pension.


Coming from the south: You drive on the N2 to “Basel”. Stay on the highway and leave Switzerland by the highway duty. After about two kilometers from the border take the exit in direction “Lörrach / Rheinfelden” (A98). You leave the A98 at the exit “Lörrach Mitte” and turn right towards the city center. Before the second traffic light, take the left lane and turn left towards the city center. After about 400 meters you reach a big roundabout, where you also turn left and continue strait for about 500 meters before you turn right into the street “Haagenerstrasse”. You are now in a speed-30-zone, turn to the left the next street and then turn to the right immediately. The first house on the right hand side is our pension.

PENSIONSIEBEN Das andere Hotel GmbH & Co. KG

Feldbergstrasse 7 | D-79539 Lörrach
Tel. +49 (0)7621 1619961 | Fax: +49 (0)7621 1619962 info(at)pensionsieben.de